Preliminary programming of the Sul 2024 MPS Symposium

The preliminary program of the Symposium on Mucopolysachesiasis of Southern Brazil and Mercosur (MPS Sul) 2024 is now available, which will be held from November 29 to December 1, in Porto Alegre/RS. In addition to renowned Brazilian experts, the meeting will also be attended by Jordi Cruz, founder and director of MP entities in Spain. See below.
The South MPS Symposium is considered one of the most relevant in the field of rare diseases not only in the country, but also throughout Latin America.
The event aims to offer information about the news about MPs, ensuring that patients and family members keep in touch with doctors, health professionals and field researchers. The proposal is to clarify doubts and stimulate the search for treatment.
The event has been promoted every year since 2004. The Symposium has been organized by the MPS Brasil Network in partnership with Instituto Genetics for All (IGPT) and Instituto Atlas Biosocial (IABS). The meeting also has the support of Casa dos Raos (CDR), Hunter Casa, SGM/HCPA and some sponsors linked to the pharmaceutical industry.
Follow the MPS Brazil network on social networks to know details.
South MPS Symposium Programming 2024
preliminary program
International Invited
Jordi Cruz
National Invited
Luiz Carlos Santana da Silva
(Belém - Pará)
29 November (night):
18:30 Opening table: news from the MPS network, from the Genetics for All Institute, from the Atlas Biosocial Institute, and the Casa dos Raos (Roberto Giugliani, Franciele Trapp, Deise Zanin, Antoine Daher) < /P>
Words of welcome from the guests (Jordi Cruz-Barcelona, Spain, and Luiz Carlos Santana da Silva-Belém, Pará)
19:30 Integration activity
20:00 welcome dinner
30 November (morning):
08:30 - 09:00 Life Stories and Lessons Learned (Moderator: Deise Zanin)
09:00 - 10:30 How to make society hear the demands of patients with MPs? Why do we build Sofia's house and what does it represent? (Jordi Cruz - Barcelona, Spain) (Moderator: Roberto Giugliani)
10:00 - 10:30 MUCOPOLISCARIDESIS PANORAMA in another region of Brazil (Luiz Carlos Santana da Silva - Belém, Pará) (Moderator - Carolina Fischinger)
11:00 - 12:00 Understanding genetic risks in MPs (Carolina Fischinger and Bibiana Oliveira)
12:00 - 12:30 Questions & Answers
12:30 - 13:45 Lunch
30 November (afternoon):
14:00 - 15:30 Workshop for common MPs:
Carpal tunnel syndrome (presenter to define)
MP pain (presenter to define)
Exercise (Presenter: Adriano Aurélio)
15:30 - 16:30 Research in progress and future perspectives (Fabiano Poswar and Roberto Giugliani)
16:30 - 17:00 Coffee
17:00 - 18:00 IABS Assembly (Coordination: Deise Zanin)
30 November (night):
19:30 –22: 00 Confraternization Dinner
01 December (morning):
up to 10:00 breakfast at the hotel and check-out
10:00 EXPENSE Bus from the hotel to outdoor activity at Farroupilha Park
11:00 Mobilization Act for MPS (Farroupilha Park)
12:00 Return to the hotel and farewells